Tuesday, November 6, 2012

the power of music

I sing. I love music. I love being surrounded by and/or making music. I connect music to my life so often that I love all kinds of music: all of my life experiences, daily moods, etc have influenced what I listen to. Hence the large variety of taste in music I have.

In light of this, I'm going to put my iTunes on shuffle and post the first five songs that come up. I will write a short description of how that song connects to my life. 

1) The Lady is a Tramp by Frank Sinatra. I feel at ease, and like I'm at home when i hear this song. My mother and uncle (her brother) are huge fans of Sinatra, and I have grown up always hearing his music. I think of Saturdays and my mom cleaning in our house, blasting his music throughout the entire house.

2) Someone to Watch Over Me by Frank Sinatra. Ha. I promise I put this on shuffle. For this song, I think of my sister, Rachel. She sang this at a voice recital a few years ago. She has such an amazing voice. Sometimes I think of us pursuing some sister duo singing career - we could be pretty bad-ass if we had the passion to actually do it. This title fits perfectly to how she fits in my life; since she's only a year ahead of me, I've always looked to her as a role-model in almost all aspects of my life. Honestly, I'd be lost without her.

3) Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry. Older song of her's but if this comes on in my car I will still blast it and sing it loud and proud. This is what I love about pop songs. They help to just loosen me up and act as loud and obnoxious as I want. They're fun. I think of my car rides when I hear this song. I don't know how the average person behaves while driving alone, but I'm always singing loudly along to my music when I drive in my car. Don't care how silly I look. 

4) Only Hope by Switchfoot. I think of A Walk to Remember, this song was played in the movie. I also think of the Switchfoot concert I went to last year. So awesome. (thank you, Rachel ;)) I love how this Christian affiliated band was able to hit top charts with their music. That's not too common for Christian bands. They praise God in their music, but write/play it in ways that can appeal to several types of listeners. 

5) Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men - Perfect song to end with, because it is one of my favorites. I feel like I'm in my own world when I hear this song. Probably because their music is considered Alternative and not as widely heard. I'm over here so in love with this song/band and question why everyone else isn't as in love with it as I am/why more people haven't heard it. I'm so in love with this type of music because of the different sounds each Alternative artist creates. I'm all for uniqueness and this song definitely portrays it. 

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” 
― Albert Einstein

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